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Invitation To Participate in Platform As A Product Research

Invitation to participate in Platform As A Product Research

(Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a product manager!)

The CNCF Platforms Working Group is pleased to announce a research effort to increase our understanding of how the industry is building internal platforms and we’d like you to participate.

After the publishing of the Platform Maturity Model, the working group’s next area of focus has been on Platform As A Product. This approach treats our users as customers of the platform, which is a product that should address their needs. While there is certainly a lot of coverage on this topic in conferences and public forums, it is unclear how widespread these practices are.

While the name of the research project might imply that we’re only interested in talking to product managers, that definitely isn’t the case! We want to talk to anyone building platforms to find out how teams decide what to build for their users. So regardless of your methods for building a platform, whether its using product management or not - we’d love to talk to you!

The interview process itself is pretty simple and consists of a 45 minute conversation with a couple of interviewers. Hopefully we can get multiple people from the same organization to participate between different roles like platform engineers, internal platform users and platform leaders.

All interview data is kept confidential and will only be used after being anonymized during our analysis across interviews.

Our goal is to have some initial analysis to talk about for the upcoming Platform Day at KubeCon NA in Salt Lake City.

So if you’re interested in participating in this research, please sign up here.

We also invite you to join the CNCF Slack and find us in the #wg-platforms channel. Working group meetings are every two weeks and participation is open to all, you can find the schedule here!