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Join the Infrastructure Lifecycle Working Group 💙

Are you looking to influence the future of infrastructure management in cloud-native environments? The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee has recently approved the Infrastructure Lifecycle working group within the TAG App Delivery, and we need your expertise! As cloud-native practices evolve, infrastructure needs are becoming more complex. IT professionals now face the challenge of managing workloads across different environments. These include cloud platforms, IoT edge devices, on-premises data centers, and hybrid setups...

Platform Engineering in 2024, Industry Trends and Emerging Focus (An holistic proposal for Internal Developer Platforms named Platform Engineering ++)

In this blog post, I’ll explore Platform Engineering, covering its diverse interpretations and implementations across organizations. I’m trying to answer to the following question: “Should Internal Developer Platforms be limited to self-service infrastructure provisioning and application deployment?” Organizations approach Platform Engineering in different ways: Some build self-service tools for infrastructure provisioning, giving developers autonomy over infrastructure management. Others focus on enhancing the developer experience, simplifying coding and deployment. Some adopt a marketplace-centric approach, creating a repository of reusable components like containers, data, and APIs...

Invitation To Participate in Platform As A Product Research

Invitation to participate in Platform As A Product Research (Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a product manager!) The CNCF Platforms Working Group is pleased to announce a research effort to increase our understanding of how the industry is building internal platforms and we’d like you to participate. After the publishing of the Platform Maturity Model, the working group’s next area of focus has been on Platform As A Product...

Product Thinking for Platforms

Product Thinking For Platforms Introduction Are you building platforms your engineers love to use? KubeCon EU 2024 just wrapped up and while the buzz around AI was omnipresent, there was another topic the cloud native community couldn’t seem to get enough of: platform engineering. It doesn’t matter if you attended the very first CoLocated Platform Engineering Day, listened in on the Platform Engineering Talks Track, strolled through the sponsored booth hall or just sat at home checking your Social Media Thread with FOMO...

Enterprise IDPs must mature fast. Here’s how infrastructure optimization can help

Enterprises are expected to benefit from platform engineering sooner and bigger than anyone else. This has 2 main reasons: With engineering bodies 100’s or 1,000’s large, standardization across the board is both a pressing need and a major event. In large organizations, concerns like security, regulatory compliance, and cost efficiency can impede development. With these two combined, the enterprise route to faster time-to-market must also go through scalable, effective guardrails along the product lifecycle...

Platform Engineering At KubeCon EU 2024 - Recap

Exactly a month ago, Kubernetes users and experts gathered in the City of Lights, Paris, for KubeCon’s Europe edition. With over 12,000 in-person attendees, this KubeCon was amongst the largest in recent times. While there was A LOT of attention and chatter around Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI, Platform Engineering was well represented. This was the first “Platform Engineering Day,” where enthusiasts had dedicated space to discuss anything and everything related to platform engineering...

Practical Paths to Platform Maturity: Insights from KubeCon Paris

If you were lucky enough to be at KubeCon in Paris last week, you might have heard Nicki Watt from OpenCredo give a practical walkthrough of the CNCF’s Platform Maturity Model. Nicki was an early contributor to the development of the model, and she spoke about her experience using it with client organizations. Some of the topics that Nicki covers include: Understanding Starting Points and Goals: how to assess an organization’s current position within the CNCF Platform Maturity Model aspects, and then how to identify opportunities...

TAG App Delivery at Kubecon EU 2024

KubeCon EU 2024 is only four more weeks away! The TAG App Delivery is excited to bring together cloud-native application developers and framework builders to meet each other and share insights and knowledge. Our goal is to make cloud development better for all by gathering feedback, finding synergies and guiding both users and projects. TAG booth You can find the TAG App Delivery at our booth PP19-A in the project pavilion, where we will have lightning talks and showcase the work of the platforms and artifact working groups...

Getting started with contributing in WG Platforms

Similar to the advice on the TAG App Delivery contributions page, we highly encourage new faces and new voices in existing forums, including asynchronous chats on Slack, GitHub issues, and the fortnightly working group Zoom calls. In addition, the WG Platforms has noticed a number of exciting new ideas generated by new joiners and wants to create an avenue for those ideas to be supported and successful, even coming from the newest voices...

Announcing the Platform Engineering Maturity Model

The CNCF Platforms Working Group (WG) is excited to present the first release of a platform engineering maturity model which provides a more concrete application of the extremely well received white paper from this past April. Download now as a PDF or view it on our website. We want to thank the almost 50 people who have contributed their time and ideas to make this model reflect the state of companies both small and large and across both fast moving and highly regulated industries; all of them are listed below...

TAG App Delivery at Kubecon Chicago

At Kubecon Chicago TAG App Delivery will bring together maintainers and users of projects that enable cloud-native application delivery to meet and learn from each other. The TAG’s goals as always are to a) enable application delivery projects to learn from each other and from cloud application developers and b) make application delivery faster and more efficient for end users. To this end the TAG will host a project meeting on Monday morning at the Marriott Marquis on Level 4, room name “Probability”; and booth 41 in the project pavilion at the conference center on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday...

TAG App Delivery at Kubecon EU 2023

At Kubecon EU next week TAG App Delivery will bring together cloud-native application developers and framework builders to meet each other and share insights and knowledge. Our goal is to make cloud development better for all by gathering feedback, finding synergies and guiding both users and projects. To this end the TAG will host the following lightning talk meetups. The list of talks and presenters follows below. a pre-day meetup in RAI Room D301, Congress Center a booth meetup on Wednesday 4/19 at 3:00pm in booth K1 in the CNCF Project Pavilion in the Solutions Hall a booth meetup on Thursday 4/20 at 1:30pm in booth K1 in the CNCF Project Pavilion in the Solutions Hall In addition to these meetings and talks, the TAG will host booth K1 in the project pavilion in the first half of each conference day...

Announcing a Whitepaper on Platforms for Cloud-native Computing

CNCF’s Platforms working group (WG) is pleased to announce the first release of a whitepaper to provide guidance and clarity on the nature and benefits of platforms for cloud-native computing. Download it now as a PDF or view it on our website. Thank you to our many contributors listed below for their ongoing input and insights! We prepared this paper because we’ve learned that platforms enable organizations to fully realize the promises of cloud computing...

Infrastructure for Apps: Platforms for Cooperative Delivery

TAG App Delivery formed the Cooperative Delivery working group in late 2021 to gather and report on emerging trends around coordinated delivery of infrastructure capabilities and applications. The TAG noted that while infrastructure teams are successfully adopting software development practices and deploying features and fixes continuously via the likes of GitOps and IaC (Infrastructure as Code), delivery of infrastructure capabilities is often not coordinated well with delivery of applications using that infrastructure...

TAG App Delivery at Kubecon NA 2022

Join CNCF TAG App Delivery and our working groups at Kubecon in Detroit October 24-28. Many app delivery-related projects will be holding open office hours and maintaining booths in the project pavilion as detailed here. A general meeting on the state of the TAG and some emerging app delivery patterns will be held Tuesday, October 25 1-5pm at Huntington Place. Find it on here. The agenda for the TAG Meeting on Tuesday is here...

Clusters for all cloud tenants

A decision which faces many large organizations as they adopt cloud architecture is how to provide isolated spaces within the same environments and clusters for various teams and purposes. For example, marketing and sales applications may need to be isolated from an organization’s customer-facing applications; and development teams building any app usually require extra spaces for tests and verification. Namespace as unit of tenancy To address this need, many organizations have started to use namespaces as units of isolation and tenancy, a pattern previously described by Google and Kubernetes contributors...

