Platforms Working Group
Platforms WG
The charter describes the mission and tactics of the Platforms working group (WG). To participate join us on Slack at #wg-platforms or the meetings described below.
To register for updates and to “Join” the group, please also consider joining the TAG App Delivery CNCF Community Group
Technical Lead
- Roberth Strand (@roberthstrand)
- Abby Bangser (@abangser)
- Colin Griffin (@krumware)
- Atulpriya Sharma (@techmaharaj)
- Meeting schedule: Every other Tuesday of each month at 1600 Europe/London time
- Join the meeting via
Zoom link. You can also add the recurring meetings to your calendar by clicking on the “Need an invite?” option on the same page.
- Passcode: 77777
- Agendas and notes can be found in this Google Doc
- Previous meetings can be viewed on the TAG YouTube Channel
CNCF Platforms White Paper
This paper intends to support enterprise leaders, enterprise architects and platform team leaders to advocate for, investigate and plan internal platforms for cloud computing. We believe platforms significantly impact enterprises’ actual value streams, but only indirectly, so leadership consensus and support is vital to the long-term sustainability and success of platform teams. In this paper we’ll enable that support by discussing what the value of platforms is, how to measure it, and how to implement platform teams that maximize it.
Define los términos clave utilizados en los escritos del Platforms Working Group.
Modelo de Madurez de Ingeniería de Plataforma
Este modelo de madurez tiene la intención de brindar una guía táctica a usuarios que buscan adoptar los patrones que se discuten en el artículo Platforms Definition. Dicho artículo sugiere por qué y qué construir mientras que en este documento se comenzará a describir cómo planificar su construcción. La audiencia objetivo son CTOs, Directores de ingeniería, líderes de ingeniería, y arquitectos que buscan evaluar su situación y entorno actual e identificar oportunidades de mejora.
Este documento refiere, amplía y sigue estándares similares a los siguientes documentos relacionados:
Cloud Maturity Model
Platforms Definition White Paper
Platforms Working Group Charter
The charter describes the mission and tactics of the Platforms working group (WG)